S. Horowitz & Co.'s partners and their spouses, together with senior staff members at the Weizmann Institute of Science, gathered at the house of the First President, Dr. Chaim Weizmann – for a celebratory evening marking 100 years of the firm's operation, which constituted an integral part of Israel's growth and prosperity long before the establishment of the State. One achievement of which we are particularly proud is to have accompanied Dr. Weizmann's personal and public activities from the time the Institute, named after him, was established through the incorporation of the commercialization company owned by him, up until purchase of the land on which the President's house was built.

Participants enjoyed a fascinating talk delivered by Prof. Moti Golani, author of the biography of Dr. Weizmann, who shared captivating stories about the close friendship between the founder of S. Horowitz & Co. law firm, Harry Sacher and Chaim Weizmann.

Adv. Tal Band spoke of the connection between S. Horowitz & Co. and the Institute and of the work of Chaim Weizmann, who knew how to transform his patents into a national scientific treasure. Tal Band concluded by noting that the history, values and legacy of the firm are the source of its strength and serve as a catalyst for renewal and its ability to stand out as a leader also for the coming hundred years.

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