How do you combine legal knowledge with high-tech entrepreneurship?

It turns out that as students, this is possible.

For the past year, partners Adv. Miriam Zaltsman and Adv. Mordehay (Moti) Malca, head of the High-Tech Practice Group at S. Horowitz & Co., served as mentors in the 'Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Field of Law' Program at Tel Aviv University. This is a unique program in which law students were first exposed to the world of start-ups and worked for a year on developing projects in the field of LegalTech and related fields, accompanied by mentors from the industry.

As part of the program, Miriam accompanied a group of students who created a platform to assist nonprofits in recruiting volunteers with professional experience in virtual volunteering (programming, web design, etc.). Miriam explained, "As someone who studied at the Faculty of Law in Tel Aviv more than a decade ago, I am glad to see that the faculty is putting an effort into exposing students to the worlds of entrepreneurship and innovation.

In my view, the program has considerable value for students, regardless of their desire to  specialize in the high-tech field in one of the big offices, work in a technology company or establish their own business venture.
It was fascinating to accompany this team of students on their entrepreneurial journey, from identifying the problem and coming up with a solution, to constructing the defining business plan, particularly regarding a business venture with meaningful social impact. "

She added that "the members of the program whom we accompanied researched the market to understand its needs and the existing alternatives. They then created a business model and plan, which they presented to the judges and audience at a demo day held at the faculty. They thus got to experience of what it means to be an entrepreneur, construct a business plan and present in front of an audience".

Good luck to our future jurists-entrepreneurs!