We were happy to again collaborate with the Manufacturers Association of Israel (MAI), together with ICI, Ashra and Bank Leumi, in an online professional conference on the topic "Credit Insurance and Debtors' Management – Minimizing Damages During the Period of the Coronavirus", that took place today.

Within the ambit of the conference, Ran Feldman, partner in the firm's Litigation Practice Group, who specializes, inter alia, in insolvency law, spoke on the subject of "Enforcement Possibilities Vis-à-Vis Debtors – the Legal Aspects".

Ran summarized Amendment No. 4 – Temporary Order – the New Coronavirus – to the Insolvency and Economic Rehabilitation Law that enters into effect today, in order to address the challenges faced by those businesses caught up in temporary debt due to the pandemic. Ran presented an estimated forecast on trends in the field of insolvency in the coming future in view of the amendment to the law.