We are proud of our firm's competition law team, for being awarded the prestigious category of 'Matter of the Year' by Global Competition Review (GCR), the international leading professional antitrust and competition law journal.
The accolade was awarded to our firm for representing Peugeot in its merger with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles which led to the establishment of Stellantis – the fourth largest vehicle manufacturer in the world, valued at more than €40 billion.
While accompanying Peugeot and as part of the team that led Linklaters law firm in dozens of countries throughout the world, our firm led the handling of the merger aspect in Israel, until approval of the deal by the Israel Competition Authority.
We would like to thank GCR for the accolade and for the professional recognition, and would also like to thank Linklaters law firm for their trust in our firm's team.
The successful representation was led by head of our firm's Antitrust and Competition Practice Group, Hagai Doron, together with associates Adi Karni Amar and Ido Porat.