התמחות בטיחות בעבודהבנקאות ופיננסיםדיני עבודההיי-טקליטיגציהלקוחות פרטיים וניהול הוןמיסיםמשפט בין-לאומי פומבימשפט מסחרינדל"ןצווארון לבןקניין רוחנישוק ההוןתחרות והגבלים עסקייםהתחדשות עירונית תעשייה סוג אירועיםמלחמת חרבות ברזלעדכוניםפודקאסט שנה 20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015 חיפוש > הרחבת זכויות העובדים המשרתים במילואים ובני/בנות זוגם 12/02/2025 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת ארה"ב ואירופה: גישות שונות לזכאות להגנה על פטנטים על אמצאות הכוללות אלמנטים של בינה מלאכותית 11/02/2025 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון בתחום יחסי העבודה: יום שבתון בבחירות הנדחות לרשויות המקומיות בצפון הארץ 10/02/2025 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת הרחבת זכויות העובדים המשרתים במילואים ובני/בנות זוגם והגנה על בני משפחות שכולות 01/02/2025 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת נקודת בינה – פברואר 2025 01/02/2025 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון בתחום יחסי העבודה: תקנות בדבר שיפוי מעסיקים לגבי תקופת שירות מילואים 05/05/2024 | S. 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Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת ניהול המשאב האנושי – היערכות משפטית בשעת משבר וחוסר ודאות 31/12/2023 | ירון לסטרל לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: רווחים ממימוש מטבעות וירטואליים 18/12/2023 | אופיר קפלן וגל ארד כהןלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: החוק החדש של האיחוד האירופי בנושא בינה מלאכותית (EU AI ACT) 17/12/2023 | אייל ברוקלקריאה נוספת טיפים פרקטיים בדיווחים מיידים ותקופתיים || וובינר 13.12.23 13/12/2023 | אמיר עסלילקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: הקלות מס נוספות בשל מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" – פיצויים לעסקים, דחיית מועדים ופריסת תשלומים 07/12/2023 | ליאור נוימן ואופיר קפלןלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות – דיני עבודה בזמן מלחמה: תיקון חוק הגנה על עובדים בשעת חירום ותיקון לחוק הביטוח הלאומי 03/12/2023 | מיכל לבנון-פורת ודנה איש הורוביץלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות מספר 4: שוק ההון- הקלות נוספות על רקע מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" 23/11/2023 | Amir Assali & Guy Firerלקריאה נוספת ניהול פרוייקטי תשתיות ובנייה בצל המלחמה || וובינר 20.11.23 19/11/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: דיני איכות הסביבה בזמן מלחמה 20/11/2023 | Pnina Sheffer Emmanuel & Yaron Daganלקריאה נוספת Stand With Humanity 16/11/23 16/11/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת No One Is Coming 15/11/2023 | Amit Steinmanלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות מספר 3: שוק ההון- עדכונים נוספים על רקע מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" 07/11/2023 | Amir Assali & Guy Firerלקריאה נוספת עדכון בתחום יחסי העבודה העלאת שיעור דמי ההבראה במגזר הפרטי 06/11/2023 | Michal Levanon-Porat & Zahi Levלקריאה נוספת Stand with humanity 05/11/23 05/11/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: הקלות נוספות בשל מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" – פיצויים לעסקים ודמי אבטלה 05/11/2023 | Michal Levanon-Porat & Ophir Kaplanלקריאה נוספת אתגרי היועמ"ש למול המדיה החברתית בעת מלחמה || וובינר 05.11.23 05/11/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: בלוקצ'יין ונכסים דיגיטליים 01/11/2023 | Gal Arad Cohenלקריאה נוספת Stand with humanity 02/11/23 02/11/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: דיני עבודה מלחמת “חרבות ברזל 30/10/2023 | Michal Levanon-Poratלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות מספר 2: שוק ההון-הקלות נוספות על רקע מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" 25/10/2023 | Amir Assali & Guy Firerלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: שוק ההון-ארכה במועד פרסום הדוח לרבעון שלישי 2023 ודיווחים מיידים בדבר השלכות מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" 16/10/2023 | Amir Assali & Guy Firerלקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: הקלות מס בשל מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" 17/10/2023 | Leor Nouman & Ophir Kaplanלקריאה נוספת חמ"ל לדירקטורים – כל מה שדירקטור צריך לדעת בזמן מלחמה || וובינר 26/10/2023 26/10/2023 | Guy Firer, Yaron Lestral, Giit Levin Grinberg & Ran Feldmanלקריאה נוספת Stand with humanity 29/10/23 29/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: הורדת דירוג האשראי של ישראל – צפירת הרגעה 25/10/2023 | Michelle Liberman & Aharon (Anthony) Blochלקריאה נוספת פודקאסט- העסקת עובדים בחו"ל 13/09/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת עדכון לקוחות: היבטים משפטיים בזמן מלחמה 22/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת הערכות משפטית בזמן מלחמה || וובינר 19/10/2023 19/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Stand with humanity 18/10/23 18/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Work during wartime 17/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Together, strong and united – we will prevail 09/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת חזקים ומאוחדים – אנחנו ננצח! 09/10/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת In NOP 38 "Size Does Matter" 21/09/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת שנה טובה מכולנו בש. הורוביץ ושות' || Shana Tova from all of us at S. Horowitz&Co. 13/09/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת 100 years of excellence- מצויינות של 100 שנים 27/08/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת פודקאסט- ארנונה- צלילת עומק 10/08/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת פודקאסט- אופציות לעובדים- חלק ב' 03/08/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת פודקאסט- אופציות לעובדים- חלק א' 03/08/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת פודקאסט- הסכמי SAFE 05/06/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת 7 tips for startups in times of crisis 30/07/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Are you protected from lawsuits? Read about directors' decisions against legal reform. 20/07/2023 | Noam Zamirלקריאה נוספת בחירתו של שותפנו, עו"ד עמית בכר, לראש לשכת עורכי הדין 22/06/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Investing in American assets or securities? Uncle Sam is waiting for you around the corner 01/07/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Attention, directors: Supreme Court defines the criteria for dividend distribution 27/04/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Our New Managing Partners Benjamin Sheffer, Amit Steinman and Eran Bezalel Featured in a Special Interview in Globes 24/01/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת "Practical Aspects of M&A Transactions – the Updated Guide for the Corporate Legal Counsel" – S. Horowitz & Co. Hosted a professional conference in collaboration with ACC, Howden and KPMG 03/01/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz Wishing you a happy New Year in a Special Video Clip | Welcome 2023 31/12/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Practical Aspects of M&A Transactions – the Updated Guide for the Corporate Legal Counsel | 03/01/2023 03/01/2023 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת אמנת המס בין ישראל ליוון-הזדמנות ייחודית לביצוע השקעות בנדל"ן בשיעורי מס נמוכים במיוחד05/12/2022 | Leor Noumanלקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represented Seales Air Corporation on a New Strategic Collaboration with Highcon Systems 07/12/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Hosted the Real Estate Forum in Collaboration with the IDU 22/12/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Participated in the Annual Tax And Business Conference 2023 Held in Collaboration with Fahn Kanne & Co.16/12/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Pnina Sheffer Emmanuel Featured in a Special Article in Globes 07/11/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Book your Spot: Annual Tax and Business 2023 conference held in collaboration with Fahn Kanne 16/11/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Generational Handover: S. Horowitz & Co. is Proud to Announce the Appointment of Three New Managing Partners 24/10/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Live Webinar: “A Revolution in the Realm of Occupational Safety – Expanding the Liability on Real Estate Developers, Customers, Managers and others” 20/09/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz wishing you Shana Tova! 24/09/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are Proud to be Ranked Once Again as a Leader by the IP Stars in 5 Categories 22/08/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represented Ashmoret in a Sharing Agreement with Isracard 11/08/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Ruthy Budovich-Sagir Gave a Talk at the "Labor Law Litigation and Conflicts Conference" held by the Central District of the Israeli Bar Association 28/07/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Sponsors the BizTEC Program 27/07/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We were Happy to Mark 100 years in a Special Gala at the Weizmann Institute of Science 08/07/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are proud to be Ranked Once Again as Leaders by BDicode ranking for 2022 in 38 Practice Areas 13/07/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are Proud to be Ranked as Leaders by the IFLR1000 for 2023 in Banking, Capital Markets and Project Finance 04/07/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Adv. Ran Feldman, member of the Dispute Resolution Practice Group, participated in DUNS100 forum 2022 . 02/07/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partners Mordehay (Moti) Malca and Miriam Zaltsman served as mentors in the 'Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Field of Law' Program at Tel Aviv University 19/06/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Proud to be Named 'Israel Patent Contentious Firm of the Year' and 'Israel Trademark Contentious Firm of the Year' by Managing IP 16/06/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Shavuot from all of us at S. Horowitz & Co. 03/06/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת As Part of the Firm's Centenary Celebrations, S. Horowitz & Co. Awarded 100,000 NIS Scholarships 02/06/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Real Estate Forum Meeting: Trends in the World of Real Estate 25/05/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: 'The Practical Aspects of Tender Law – the Golden Rules of Conduct by a Bidder and the Work of the Tenders Committee' | 23/05/2022 19/05/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Proud to Win Four categories, Including 'Firm of the Year', by the Prestigious LMG! 13/05/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are proud to be the Israeli firm with the highest number of nominations listed in the reputable ranking guide LMG Life Sciences 11/05/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Mark Holocaust Remembrance Day 27/04/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Mark World Intellectual Property Day 26/04/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Chief Legal Advisor of the Oron Group talks of the client service experience that he receives from S. Horowitz & Co. | Special Interview | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Passover and good health from all of us at S. Horowitz & Co.! 14/04/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are Proud to be Ranked Once Again as a Leading Law Firm in Israel by Legal 500 for 2022 13/04/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are Proud to be Ranked again this Year as One of the Leading Law Firms in Israel by Dun's 100 24/03/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Miriam Zaltsman Participated in the Annual Dun’s 100 Hi-Tech Forum 16/03/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Thanks to the Intervention of Adv. Katia Leokumovich, Ukrainian Mother and Her Daughters Were Allowed to Stay in Israel and Flee the War 14/03/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "The new Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court – Understanding the risks, rewards and opportunities” | 31/03/2022 07/03/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Dramatic Court Ruling: Court Cancels Russian Government Ownership of Jerusalem Church 03/03/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We Were delighted to Host the Online Webinar Titled: “Current Issues in Israeli IP Law“ Held in Collaboration with AIPLA 22/02/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are Delighted to be Ranked as a Leading Law Firm in Israel by Chambers and Partners Global for 2022 21/02/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represented Vontier Corporation in Acquiring Driivz 09/02/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represented insurtech start-up – Sayata, on completing a financing of US $52 million! 07/02/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Join Us to the Live Webinar Current Issues in Israeli IP Law 31/01/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Competition & Antitrust Client Update | Changes in the Israeli Merger Reporting Regime | 19.01.2022 25/01/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Advised IEC in its Efforts to Lower its Prices of Natural Gas 25/01/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Complete Guide for Legal Interns | Partner Ran Feldman Participated in a Special Podcast on N12 20/01/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. 10/01/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We welcome 2022 with the appointment of four new partners in our firm 02/01/2022 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy New Year from all of us at S. Horowitz & Co.! 30/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Ofir Pozner Participated in the Annual Employment Law Conference of HRus for 2021 29/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Ranked a Leading Law Firm in the Fields of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data by GDR 100 28/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Senior partner Tal Band participated in a Unique Gathering at the S. Horowitz & Co. Institute for Intellectual Property: Between Medicine and IP. 22/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Hagai Doron Was Recognised Once Again as a Leading Lawyer in Competition Law by Who's Who Legal 20/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Was Recognized as One of the Leading Law Firms in Israel in the Chambers Fintech 2022 Guide 20/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Marks the United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities03/12/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Hanukkah From All Of Us At S. Horowitz & Co. 28/11/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Participated in the Online International Seminar Titled "Driving IP Value – From Boardroom to Court Room" Hosted by the Global IP Forum 25/11/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Participated in in the Annual Tax and Business Conference 2022 hosted by Fahn Kanne & Co. 11/11/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partners Avi Ordo and Moran Katz Talk about the name Change Recently Announced by Facebook 11/11/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Driving IP Value – from Board Room to Courtroom Online Seminar 04/11/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת celebrating 100 years | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Proud of our firm's competition law team, for being awarded the prestigious category of 'Matter of the Year' by GCR 10/06/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Hosted a Special Online Webinar Titled: "How to Correctly Deal with Tenders? Practical Tips on the Legal and Business Level" 02/06/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Our Partner Michelle Liberman Sums Up A Busy Year in a Special Interview to Maarive Business Section 31/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Cooperated with the IDU in an Online Round Table Discussion "The Real Estate Sector Where to? Challenges and Opportunities in the Shadow of the Ongoing Crisis"25/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. is Accompanying Shamaym in its IPO 24/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Proud to be the Exclusive Authors of the Israeli Chapter in the Public Procurement & Government Contracts Guide for 2021 by Chambers & Partners. 23/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Practical Legal Business Forum – How to Correctly Deal With Tenders? | 26/05/2021 19/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are Pleased to Announce that Asher Heled & Co. Law Firm is Joining S. Horowitz & Co. Law Firm 18/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represents Haifa Port in a Monetary Claim in the Scope of Roughly NIS 77 Million 13/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "The Real Estate Sector Where To? Challenges and Opportunities in the Shadow of the Ongoing Crisis" | 19/05/2021 13/05/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Marks "World Intellectual Property Day" | 26/04/2021 26/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Amit Becher Lectures at an online roundtable in Collaboration with the IDU on Embezzlement and Fraud – Risk Management in an Organization 22/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Was Ranked as one of Israel’s leading Law Firms in 22 Practice Areas by the Legal 500 20/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Noam Zamir Lectures at “Recent Developments in the Field of Derivative Claims” Live Webinar 20/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Israel Independence Day From all of us at S. Horowitz & Co. 14/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Mark Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism 13/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Was Ranked as one of Israel's Leading Law Firms by Dun's 100 for 2021 12/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Embezzlement and Fraud – Risk Management in an Organization | 19/04/2021 12/04/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Passover and Good Health from All of Us at S. Horowitz & Co. 25/03/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Recent Developments in the Field of Derivative Claims | 19.04.2021 22/03/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy International Client's Day 19/03/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Ran Feldman Lectured at the "Credit Insurance and Debtors' Management" Online Conference 18/03/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We were delighted to collaborate with the IDU in a Professional Online Conference on the Subject of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Coronavirus Era 11/03/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co. לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Annual Conference of the IDU Israel Directors Union 2021 10/02/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Rehabilitation & Recovery of companies: Corporate Rehabilitation and Recovery: Acquisition, Merger and Bringing in an Investor 28/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co Representes Pangea in an Appeal Filed by it with the Supreme Court 25/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represents Discount Investment Corporation Ltd. in Defending a Motion Seeking Approval of a Derivative Action 14/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Leor Nouman Participated in the Dun and Bradstreet 2021 Taxation Forum 13/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. is Continuing To Expand With The Addition of 6 New Partners 11/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Ranked a Leading Law Firm in the Fields of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data by GDR 100 06/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co.'s Antitrust Practice Group Ranked by Global Competition Review (GCR) 05/01/2021 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy New Year from all of us at S. Horowitz & Co.! 31/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Leor Neoman Featured in a Globes Special Year-End Project29/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת US Estate Tax – Does not only apply to American citizens: Partners Leor Nouman and Moti Saban Featured in Globes Digital Edition (in Hebrew) 21/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Ranked by Chambers and Partners as a Leading Law Firm in the Field of FinTech 20/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Featured in the Israeli Chapter of the Guide ICLG Business Crime & Regulations 2021 17/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Hosted a Round Table Titled "Real Estate Yields, Residential Real Estate and Everything in Between" 10/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Hanukkah from all of us at S. Horowitz & Co. 10/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת "To be a Multinational In Israel": S. Horowitz & Co. Hosted a Live Webinar on the Legal Aspects of Companies with Global Operations 08/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Tax Partner Leor Nouman Featured in Globes Special Edition on the most Dramatic Changes in the Past Tax Year 07/12/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Pnina Sheffer Emmanuel Lectures at the IDU Live Conference on the Impact of the "Embezzlement and Fraud – the Challenges during the COVID-19 Pandemic" 30/11/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "To be A Multinational in Israel" – Legal Aspects for Companies with Global Operations 23/11/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Hosted an Online conference on 'The Preference of Israeli Products in Public Tenders' 03/11/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "Mergers & Acquisitions – Opportunities during the Coronavirus Pandemic" 27/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "The Preference of Israeli Products in Public Tenders" 22/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Successfully Represented Private Equity Fund Israel Infrastructure Fund (IIF) in the Sale of the Via Maris Desalination Plant 21/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Featured in the Unique Q&A's Guide of The Legal 500 on Bribery & Corruption 15/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Congratulations to 9 of our members for being ranked Leading Individuals in their field 12/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת WTR Names Partners Tal Band & Avi Ordo Leading global Lawyers in the Field of Trademarks 11/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Happy Sukkot from all of at S. Horowitz & Co. 02/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Represents Pangea DW (PANGEA IT) in an Administrative Petition 01/10/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Successfully Represented Elyakim Ben-Ari Ltd. (Elyakim) and its Shareholders in a Transaction with FIMI Opportunity Funds (FIMI) 17/09/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Shana Tova (Happy Jewish New Year) from all of us at S. Horowitz & Co. 17/09/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת IFLR1000 ranks S. Horowitz & Co. as a leader in the fields of Capital Markets and Project Development 27/08/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "Doing Business in the Emirates" 25/08/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. Congratulates and Welcomes Upcoming Signing of the Normalization Agreement between the State of Israel and the UAE 24/08/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: "Trends in Tender Law – Practice and Guidelines" 23/08/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Avigail Kastiel participated in a webinar that dealt on the impact of the Covid-19 virus on the local and international real estate market. 17/08/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Who's Who Legal for 2020, has ranked partners Clifford Davis and Amit Steinman in the field of M&A's 06/08/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת How to prepare for Future Patent Wars in the Field of Cannabis | Partners Tal Band & Ran Fogel Featured in Haarez Special Edition 30/07/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Amit Becher Featured in the Marker's Digital Edition (in Hebrew) 15/07/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Intellectual Property and the Coronavirus 15/07/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz & Co. Represents Google Israel (in Hebrew) 18/06/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Eyal Doron Represents Rynair (in Hebrew) 17/06/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz & Co. Represents IEC in a 4.2 Billion Shekels Tender (in Hebrew) 11/06/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Lior Mimon Featured in Globes Digital Edition (in Hebrew) 26/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Eligibility for "Silent Commission" Refunds from Swiss Banks (in Hebrew) 20/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Our Partner Michelle Liberman Elected Chair of the Global Organisation Lex Mundi 12/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update – Obvious to the Bone: Teva Wins Opposition against Eli Lilly's Patent Application Covering Osteoporosis Blockbuster FORTEO® 11/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Call for Public Proposals Regarding Easing Regulations Due to the Coronavirus Crisis and to Postpone the Payment of Fines (in Hebrew) 10/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Unlawful Collection of Fee by the Tel Aviv Municipality (in Hebrew) 07/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Avigail Kastiel Lectures at the IDU Live Seminar on the Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis on the Real Estate Market 06/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co Featured in the Lex Mundi in "COVID-19 Global Competition Measures Report" 05/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Directors' Seminar on Real Estate Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Crisis (in Hebrew) 05/05/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Hagai Doron, Gitit Levin Grinberg and Adi Karni Amar ranked in the Legal 500 Antitrust & Competition Individual Rankings 30/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Tomer Scheuerman Lectures at the Live Webinar by ISACA and Konfidas 27/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: "World Intellectual Property Day" 26/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co Featured in Lex Mundi's Global Trends in Competition Law Report 22/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Covid-19 Update: Insolvency Proceedings as a tool for Economic Rehabilitation during the Coronavirus Crisis 20/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Bankruptcy Proceedings as a Tool for Economic Recovery in the Coronavirus Crisis (in Hebrew) 19/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. ranked by the Legal 500 as one of Israel's leading firms in 21 practice areas 16/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Covid-19: Recent Legal Updates on the Coronavirus Crisis 06/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: COVID-19 – Legal Updates Regarding the Coronavirus Crisis – S. Horowitz & Co. (in Hebrew) 06/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partners Ofir Pozner and Tomer Scheuerman Lectures at "the Role of Corporate Counsel in the Age of Corona" Live Webinar 05/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Covid-19 Update: Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak on Environmental Regulation, Business Licensing and Work Safety 05/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Join us for the Role of Corporate Counsel in the Age of Corona Webinar 05/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Covid-19 Update: Regulations & Legal Implications of the Corona Crisis 02/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Guy Firer speaks at the digital conference of the IDU 02/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Legal Protection for New Corona Treatments – New Material or New Usage? 01/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Live Webinar | Role of Corporate Counsel in the Age of Corona 01/04/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update | Tax Aspects of the Coronavirus Outbreak 30/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Legal Protection for a New Drug for Coronavirus – New Material or New Usage? (in Hebrew) 30/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Can legal agreements be exposed to the coronavirus? 26/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Unusual Times, Unusual Measures: the Israeli Ministry of Health Permits the Exploitation of Abbvie's Patents Covering KALETRA® to Allow Importation of Generic Version 19/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Update following the COVID-19 situation 18/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Covid-19 Update: Implications of the Spread of the Corona Virus on Employer-Employee Relations in Israel 17/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Covid-19 Update: Continued Legal Service throughout the Outbreak of the Coronavirus 16/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Second Client Update: the Consequences of the spread of the Coronavirus on the field of Labor & Employment relations (in Hebrew) 12/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz hosts Privacy, Cyber and E-Commerce conference with ACC Israel 10/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת IAM Patent 1000 ranks S. Horowitz at the top in patents 05/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: the Legal Consequences of the coronavirus Outbreak (in Hebrew) 05/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת WTR Magazine: "S. Horowitz is second to none" 03/03/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: When Free Can Be Expensive – Using Content Licensed Under Creative Commons Licenses 27/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz the first to sign equal opportunities treaty 24/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Israel Canada and the Nakash family acquire Minrav 24/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Eliya Zunz Koller speakes at Dun's 100 legal forum 22/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Chambers 2020 guide ranks S. Horowitz at the top 20/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S.Horowitz hosts a Kenyan parliament delegation 19/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת WWL 2020 names partner Hagai Doron as a leading researcher 19/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת A recap of the Israel Environment Conference 2020 18/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת GCR highly recommends S. Horowitz's antitrust department 17/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The countdown to the Israel Environment Conference 2020 has begun! 17/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Noa Glazer-Becher lectures at the IDU's real-estate forum 17/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Amir Assali lectures at the IDU conference 15/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Amir Assali Featured in Calacalist's Digital Edition (in Hebrew) 13/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Ruling Update: Inherent Discrimination in Creating a model for Outstanding Employees who Dedicate their Lives to the Workplace with no External Commitments. 04/02/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Lex Mundi Launches The Global Employment Law Guide 06/01/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz & Co. an official partner of the Israel Environment Conference 2020! 03/01/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz featured in Lex Mundi's Global M&A Trends Report 02/01/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Annual Meeting of the Israeli Directors Association (IDU) 01/01/2020 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Real Estate Forum Launch Event 31/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Our firm hosted an M&A round table with the IDU and IBI 29/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz represented Qualitest in its acquisition of AlgoTrace 28/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Professor Oren Gazal Ayal lectures at our office 27/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Dovev Apel featured in TheMarker's digital health article 24/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Noam Zamir lectured at the Israel Directors Union's convention 24/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: For the First time – Criminal Proceedings against a Corporation and One of its Officers for Failing to Respond to an Information Request from the Israel Competition Authority (in Hebrew) 23/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Senior partner Tal Band participated in the 2019 Israel Industry Conference 22/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת A recap of the "Tax and Business Conference 2020" 20/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Adv. Amit Becher joins S. Horowitz & Co. 17/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Legal Precedent: Enhanced Certainty for R&D Based Companies in Exposure to Employee Claims (in Hebrew) 16/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update – Greater Certainty for R&D Companies: The Israeli Supreme Court Clarifies Law on Employees Inventions 16/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation Practice Group 09/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Conference on Exemptions and their Stumbling Blocks – Preparations for a New Era in Competition (in Hebrew) 06/12/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Tax & Business Conference 2020 25/11/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Discussion Group on the Latest Trends in Mergers & Acquisitions 21/11/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Tax and Business Conference 2020 Is Fast approaching! 17/11/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation Practice Group 14/11/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: The currency for cheap, high-quality drugs may be under the flashlight 01/11/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Noam Zamir and Houthoff lead a research on class action 19/10/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת IFLR 2020 Ranks S.Horowitz as a leading law firm 17/10/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Our firm participated in "Smart Mobility" with OurCrowd, Honda and Facebook 17/09/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz successfully represented Hadassah in a precedential collective labour dispute 13/09/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz partners featured in TheMarker's 2019 40 under 40 list 11/09/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Sodastream PepsiCo 22/08/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Who's Who Legal 2019 recognized S. Horowitz and partner Hagai Doron as leaders in Competition & Antitrust 20/07/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Chambers and Partners ranks S. Horowitz as the Litigation Law Firm of the Year in Israel 18/07/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz completes successful tender for A-Shams Radio 14/07/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz represents Minrav successfully in a ILS 120M transaction 11/07/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת New partners announced! 11/07/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz & Co. Represents the Electric Company in a Historic Tender of 1.9 billion NIS 02/07/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת IFLR1000, 2019 Edition 30/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Imputation of the Value of Using a Vehicle as Taxable Income by the employee 27/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz completes the Alon Tavor power station sale with the IEC 24/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Dovev Apel writes for BDI on healthcare system budget challenges 22/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Tal Band participated in pharma panel at HUJ 20/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz ranked as a top tier firm in IAM Patent 1000 17/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz Represnets DCL Israel in an Arbitration Award (in Hebrew) 17/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz & Co. Represents the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation Kan 11 in a petition filed by the Herzelia Studios (in Hebrew) 11/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Guy Firer speaks at the ACC Israel annual conference 11/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Innovations in the Field of Car Use Value – Tax Tspects (in Hebrew) 05/06/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: I See Your (True) Colours – The Registerability of Colours and the Names of Colours as Trademarks 16/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Viewing or playing a TV or Radio Broadcast in a Business – the Permitted and Prohibited limits (in Hebrew) 15/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Who's Who Legal 2019, recognized S. Horowitz & Co. as a leading firm in M&A and Corporate Governance 11/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת IP Stars ranks S. Horowitz as leading firm in Intellectual Property 07/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Who's Who Legal (WWL) 2019 recognized S. Horowitz & Co. as a leading firm in the Life Sciences 05/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Not by Bread Alone – Angel vs Engel 05/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Partner Gitit Levin Grinberg will attend the 2019 ICN in Cartagena 04/05/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: How Budgetary Considerations of the State led to the Overturning of a Final Court Decision (in Hebrew) 29/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Alex Hertman Warns of Dangers to the Legal System and the Rule of Law in Globes Special Digital Edition (in Hebrew) 19/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Overqualification – Legitimate Consideration Or Age Discrimination? 18/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Our partners inducted to the Lega500 Hall of Fame 15/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz ranked top tier firm in the Telecommunications field by Duns' 100 (Israel) 03/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz Institute for IP in memory of Dr. Amnon Goldenberg meeting 03/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Legal500 ranks S. Horowitz and Co. "top-tier" in 8 areas of practice for 2019 02/04/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Hagai Doron will attend the American Bar Association Antitrust Law 2019 Spring Meeting 26/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Hagai Doron and Gitit Levin Grinberg are ranked top tier in Dun's 100 Antitrust ranking 25/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Israel's Tax and Business Convention 2020 is coming soon! 20/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Top Ranked by Duns100 2019 17/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz ranked in the new 2019 CofaceBdi 14/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz representing "Hametoeset" Ltd. at a successful TLV tender 14/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation Practice Group 12/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Tal Band on Patent Term Extension (PTE) orders in Israel 07/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Sickness Benefit and Dismissal (in Hebrew) 04/03/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Kone was selected the winning bidder 28/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz Successfully Represented the Organization of Lottery Franchisees in a Petition against the High Court of Justice (in Hebrew) 26/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Supreme Court Cancelled the Decision Taken by Toto 20/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Top Ranked By Chambers Global 2019 18/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Significant Developments in the Struggle against Work Accidents in the Construction Industry (in Hebrew) 18/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Draft Disclosure regarding The Examination of Substantial Market Power (in Hebrew) 12/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת IDU Yearly Convention 05/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Is ESTRELLA a Star? 03/02/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Imposing financial sanctions for breach of work safety provisions – one year of entry into force of the order to increase enforcement of labor law (In Hebrew) 28/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Top Ranked GCR2019 20/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Tax Aspects – Updates In The Area of The Grant Of Share Options To Employees 16/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Amendment No. 5 to the Israeli Copyright Law – The Conundrum of Copyright Enforcement on the Internet (in Hebrew) 15/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation to the Annual Meeting for Updating Directors – Challenges Faced by Directors in the New Era: Technological Capital, Human Capital, and the Relations Between the Two (in Hebrew) 09/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz is continuing to expand with the addition of new Partners 06/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Chambers ranks S.Horowitz as FinTech leaders for 2020 05/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Significant Amendments to the Israeli Restrictive Trade Practices Law 03/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Amendment 21 to the Competition Law – Israel Competition Authority (in Hebrew) 03/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Innovations in Granting Employee Options – Taxation Aspects (in Hebrew) 02/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Israel Joins the Hague System for Registration of Industrial Designs 01/01/2019 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת "Self-Assessment" convention 31/12/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Administrative Fines for Planning and Construction Offenses (in Hebrew) 22/12/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Diversity Convention 17/12/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Conference of Social and Economic Diversity of the Israeli Association of Directors (IDU) 04/12/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Top Ranked by Chambers Fintech: 2019 29/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Munich Convention 29/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Corporations Notice (Rules Regarding Compensation and Expenses of an External Director) – 2018, (in Hebrew) 27/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz Represented Teva in a Request to Disclose Documentation prior to Submitting a Request to Authorize a Residual Suit against the Company (in Hebrew) 22/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Tax and Businesses 2019 Conference 21/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: The Israel Antitrust Authority Takes a Step Forward Towards a Full-Scale “Self-Assessment” Regime 21/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Tax and Business Conference 2019 (In Hebrew) 19/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation Practice Group 12/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: How to Reimburse an Employee who Received Pay for Taking a Course? (in Hebrew) 12/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Top Ranked IFLR: 2019 06/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Violation of the Women's Work Law Versus Violations of the Employment (Equal Opportunities) Law – Not all Dismissals of New Mothers Violate the Equal Opportunities Law (in Hebrew) 05/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Consecutive Shift Hours in Consecutive Workdays do not Necessarily Constitute Overtime, Following the Draft Work and Vacation Hours Law (in Hebrew) 05/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Me Too 01/11/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת M&A Convention with the IDU 31/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Income from Stipend – Issues of Tax and Labor Law 31/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partners Amir Assali and Noam Zamir Featured in TheMarker's Digital Capital Market Article (in Hebrew) 31/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Directors Seminar – Mergers, Acquisitions and Issues of Limitations in Tenders (in Hebrew) 24/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Scholarship Money as Taxable Income – Taxation and Employment Questions (in Hebrew) 24/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Alex Hertman Featured in Globes Digital Article (in Hebrew) 15/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Noam Zamir Featured in Globes Digital Article (in Hebrew) 10/10/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Publication of Disciplinary Proceedings (in Hebrew) 17/09/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Anecdotes 22 – End of the Jewish Year – Some Interesting Rulings in Employment Law 06/09/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Shana Tova! 04/09/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Important Amendment to the Provident Fund Oversight Law (in Hebrew) 02/09/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Amendment of the Block Exemption for Non-Horizontal Arrangements That Do Not Include Certain Price Restrictions22/08/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Employee Free Choice Under Section 20 of the Financial Services Oversight Law (Provident Funds) (in Hebrew)21/08/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Leor Nouman Featured in Globes Digital Article (in Hebrew)20/08/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation Practice Group 16/08/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz is Continuing to Expand with the addition of New Partners11/07/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Israel Global IP Strategy Forum (In Hebrew) 27/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: An Employer of a Foreign Worker is Required to Make Sure He Has a Work Permit (in Hebrew)27/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Intellectual Property Practice Group continues to shine 27/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz Represented the Sahar Group and Private Acquirers in an NIS 27.5 Million Compensation Claim (in Hebrew)19/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Government has Crossed the Line 19/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת 2018 CofaceBdi ranking guide 18/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Michelle Liberman Participated in the Annual Conference of the ACC13/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz & Co. Holds the Annual Seminar on IP in Memory of Dr. Amnon Goldenberg, in Cooperation with the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law12/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz Represents Arkin Holdings (in Hebrew)06/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz Represents Waze (in Hebrew)06/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation practice group 05/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The law always comes last when it comes to economic developments and it is not only in the State of Israel, but the entire world 05/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Alex Hertman Addresses the Challenges and Questions Posed by Globalisation in a Special Panel at the Haaretz Newspaper (in Hebrew)04/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz & Co. Represents Paz in a Defamation Claim (in Hebrew)03/06/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Chinese market is growing more attractive for Israeli companies, many of which are even considering the possibility of registering for trading in the Far Eastern markets23/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update – the National Labor Court: Salary Payments to Employees Should Be Made at the End of the Month in Which the Work Was Executed (in Hebrew)21/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The new privacy and data protection regulations prevent companies from implementing a policy of just “putting out fires”16/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update- Aviation practice group13/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Adv. Michelle Liberman, a partner in our corporate and commercial department, was nominated as secretary and member of the executive committee of Lex Mundi13/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת “When I own Bitcoin, for example, I own an asset. It doesn’t mean that I am a trader…" 13/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Today our firm held a unique conference with the British Embassy in the presence of the British Ambassador to Israel, Mr. David Quarrey. 13/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Our Partner Michelle Liberman Elected Chair of the Global Organisation Lex Mundi 12/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: 'Chasing the Dragon' – Round Table on Doing Business in and with China 09/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz Represents the British Embassy in Real Estate and Infrastructure Projects (in Hebrew)07/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת An impressive accomplishment for Adv. Tal Band, who received an Award of Merits from AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property.03/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: AIPPI's Medal of Honour Granted to Partner Tal Band for his Work as President of the Israeli Group for 12 Years and His Substantial Contribution to the Organisation (in Hebrew)02/05/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update- Aviation practice group30/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Investing In UK Regeneration and Infrastructure Projects 29/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת May- Data Privacy month 26/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Continuing to lead the field of Intellectual Property 22/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz and Co. Ranked by Legal 500 as a Leading Firm in the Insurance Field (in Hebrew)22/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: The 16th Conference of the ACC (in Hebrew) 16/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת We are proud to inform that the prestigious Legal 500, providing coverage of recommended law firms around the world, has once again rated our firm at the forefront of law firms in Israel 16/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz Represents NTA (in Hebrew)15/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update- Aviation practice group10/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: A Delegation of 11 Students from the Law Faculty, Headed by Dr. Amir Khoury, Represented the S. Horowitz Institute for Intellectual Property in Memory of Dr. Amnon Goldenberg at WIPO's Annual Study Conference (in Hebrew)08/04/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz and Co. Ranked by Dun's 100 as One of Israel's Leading Law Firms for 201829/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Staying in the Lead Dun's 100 niche rating has also ranked our firm among the top law firms in Israel 28/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Advs. Lior Mimon and Matan Kroul of our firm accompanied Minrav and Megureit 28/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Aviation practice group 25/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The Intellectual Property Practice Group at S. Horowitz & Co. receives MIP Award "Israel IP (litigation) Firm of the Year"13/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת “Within just a few years, legal interpretation that applied to any specific technology is rendered irrelevant and wrong” 08/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: The Intellectual Property Practice Group at S. Horowitz & Co. receives MIP Award "Israel IP (litigation) Firm of the Year"07/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת What is the difference between defensive and offensive strategy in intellectual property?04/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Advs. Lior Mimon and Lina Makhuli of our firm represented the Ashdod Port in an Administrative Appeal04/03/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Ranking season is here and, once again, we are recognized in leading local and international guides. 28/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Adv. Anthony Bloch conducted a special panel on intellectual property at the Foreign Law Firm Conference27/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Employer’s Responsibility for Employee Insurance Choices Regarding loss of working capacity and Dependent Insurance in Light of The Expansion of The Pension Order (In Hebrew)25/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Yesterday, Amit Steinman, partner at our M&A Practice Group participated in the 3rd Mergers and Acquisitions in the Technology Sector Conference held by the IBA25/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Best Practices in Intellectual Property (in Hebrew) 25/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Best Practices in Intellectual Property (BPIP) Convention (in Hebrew) 22/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Invitation: Consumerism conference (in Hebrew)22/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S. Horowitz ranked in the new 2018 CofaceBdi (in Hebrew)22/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Leor Nouman Featured in Globes Article (in Hebrew)21/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת This year, once again, Chambers and Partners – the global lawyer ranking guide – has recognized us as one of the most prominent and leading law firms in Israel. 21/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת S. Horowitz M&A Partner, Amit Steinman, joins a special panel at the International Bar Association 20/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz and Co. Represents Paz (in Hebrew)15/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Amir Assali Featured in Calacalist's Digital Edition (in Hebrew)13/02/2018 | לקריאה נוספת Following an ongoing rise in the number of petitions for Derivative Action approval, the trend has shifted and the number of petitions relating to public companies has declined during the past three years 13/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Mediation and arbitration proceedings comprise a significant part of dispute settlement12/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת In recent years, giant corporations from China have evolved into significant players in Israel’s infrastructure industry thanks to high executive capabilities and unprecedented economic strength 08/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Clifford Davis Advises Soros Fund Management (in Hebrew)06/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Alex Hertman Represents Marina Hotel (in Hebrew)06/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partners Benjamin Sheffer, Eran Bezalel and Shay Avnieli Featured in TheMarker's Digital Edition (in Hebrew)04/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת GCR, one of the world’s leading magazines on competition and anti-trust issues, once again ranked S. Horowitz’s Antitrust and Competition Practice Group as one of the highly recommended in the field this year04/02/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The sale of a tech company may be the dream of every startup, but it can often be a complex process that depends on prior preparation in terms of intellectual property, legal and financial strategy. 29/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת “Banks operate in an overly conservative manner when dealing with voluntary disclosure issues…" 25/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Employment Client Update : New Court Ruling (in Hebrew)22/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Hagai Doron Featured in Haarez Article (in Hebrew)17/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz is Continuing to Expand with the Addition of New Partners (in Hebrew)17/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Alex Hertman Represents Teva (in Hebrew)16/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Employment Law – Highlights for 201711/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Conference : How to complete an exit in IP-intensive industries? How to properly execute a technology commercialization agreement? How to create a business strategy on the way to the lucrative deal? 10/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Adv. Tal Band, Head of our IP Practice, is the only Israeli lawyer chosen by Who’s Who Legal to be included as one of the world’s best Thought Leaders in the Life Sciences Industry 09/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Nutritional Lablling of Food Products (in Hebrew)08/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Tal Band was Recognised a 'Thought Leader' in the Healthcare and Life Science by Who's Who Legal 2018 (in Hebrew)08/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: S.Horowitz Led a Conference for Promoting Employment Diversity (in Hebrew)03/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת Client Update: Partner Alex Hertman Participated in an Arbitration Proceeding Between the State and ICL (in Hebrew)02/01/2018 | S. Horowitz & Co.לקריאה נוספת The court accepted the Haifa Port’s position and rejected the employee's requests for an award of temporary remedies28/09/2017 | S. Horowitz & Co. לקריאה נוספת Minrav sells 47% of the Minrav Center complex in Ashdod for NIS 71 million.19/09/2017 | S. Horowitz & Co. לקריאה נוספת Why does the Israeli Tax Authority win the vast majority of its cases in the Supreme Court?17/09/2017 | S. Horowitz & Co. לקריאה נוספת